Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nurture Shock - Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman

Interesting and enlightening, this book challenges traditional thoughts on a variety of parenting techniques/methods. You have to read it to believe some of the theories the studies they discuss have uncovered. It might change the way you interact with your child in very fundamental ways...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Meaning at the Movies: Becoming a Discerning Viewer - Grant Horner

I really liked this one. Full disclosure - it was written by one of my favorite college profs so I may be a little biased but I found it an excellent read. Much more than the typical legalistic approach to what is "appropriate" this books delves into the world views behind the movies and helps you discern truth while dissecting some exemplary movie gems in a very enlightening and enjoyable discussion. I read it within the first 24hrs after landed on my door step. Reminded me of the good old college days. Sigh.

Parenting with Scripture - Kara Durbin

This is a REFERENCE book. It lists scriptures that can be used to teach about different topics. The topics appear in the book alphabetically with discussion questions and application activities. A good resource but not really bedside reading. That said we've used it a couple of times already when looking for scripture to help with issues that Leo is encountering.