Sunday, January 20, 2008

for Women only- what you need to know about the inner lives of men - shaunti feldhahn

More aptly titled "what most women already know about men, but want to pretend they don't" - so they can live their lives the way they want to... okay I'm projecting a little of my own sin nature on the rest of the female gender. I really actually liked this book. I found it accurate but not revolutionary- in that I don't think I learned anything shockingly new about the "inner lives" of men. I wish I had read this however when I was 13 and hadn't an inkling of their inner workings. The book was however convicting as Shaunti was hardly timid with her advice on how we should respond to her "revelations". Yup I've got some more work to do in the "good wife" department.


Erin said...

Ah. I read this book a couple years ago. One precaution to those who are going to read it - don't put all men into the "majority" category. It'll be hurtful to your husband if you start accusing him of stuff that he has been faithfully godly in....
Oops. I didn't have a very good initial reaction to this book....

Julie Handel said...

Good point Erin... Pete definitely is not typical male by any stretch of the abundant statistical surveys included in this book. One of the things that I liked about this book is that it was a starting place for me to ask my husband how he would answer the questions, that started a lot of interesting conversations :)